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Aquarius Moon Sign Kumbha Rashi january 2020 Monthly Prediction

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Aquarius moon sign Kumbha rashi Aquarius  House is Ownes by Saturn (Sani). Moon sign (Rashi) Aquarius  means that Moon was present in Aquarius Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Aquarius  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Health prediction

You may get mentally hurt at the beginning of January, 2020. The second week might begin with good health, but afterwards, you may face a health disorder. At the end of the second week, you may suffer from mental unrest and despair. The fourth week may begin with mental peace and you might feel rejuvenated at this time. This week your spouse may get sick at times. Later on this week, you might suffer both mentally and physically on a simultaneous level. January, 2020 may happen to end with you regaining your mental health.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Business and Jobs prediction

Between the first two days of January, 2020, businessmen might face sudden bankruptcy. The second week might begin with a successful work life. The mid of January, 2020 is preferable for getting jobs. Third week onwards, you may feel stress at work. At the beginning of the fourth week, the stress may decline, but afterwards, the situation may get worse. The end of January, 2020 may prove to be fruitful for business. You might face opposition in your workplace leading to failure of all your efforts.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Financial Prediction

You might enjoy monetary gain in the first week of January, 2020. For business people it may be a tumultuous phase though. Your economic expectations might get fulfilled this time. At the beginning of the second week, you expenditure may get moderate. This week may happen to be a mixed phase of both monetary gain and crisis. Third week onwards, your income may increase. There is a chance of cracking lottery at the end of this week.  During this period, you might take loan by a sudden impulse. At the end of January, 2020 you are expected to enjoy some financial gain. January, 2020 is going to be a fluctuating month in terms of economy.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Educational Prediction

As a student, you may gain diverse experiences in your field of education. You are advised to think twice before giving your opinion on some topic. You may face complications in running your course. Students must take care of their attitude and behaviour towards others.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Social Life Prediction

If you are in politics, you are advised to keep your calm through the first week of January, 2020.  You may attract secret enemies at this phase. The first week is going to offer you a nice family time. You will get benefitted through traveling. This time you are advised to talk straightforward with honesty. Second week onwards, you may face some familial conflicts. This time may not be lucky for you. You will feel worried for your close ones. This time also, a trip might soothe your mind. In the mid of the second week, you may regret due to your own fault. You may get connected with positive-minded people. Third week onwards, you might face new problems.  There might be strife between you and your relatives. Your secret attacker might get disclosed before you. You may happen to get humiliated at some point. At the beginning of the fourth week, you are expected a get good news. You may get harmed during a trip at this time. You might face opposition and misunderstanding within your family. You may happen to get concerned for your parents. You might get benefitted if you can discard your timidity and reticence. January, 2020 might end with casting you down for a while.

Aquarius Kumbha, january 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction

The first half of January, 2020 will go well for the lovers and the married couples. 15th onwards, there are possibilities of match-making and divorce as well. At the end of January, 2020 both love life and conjugal life of people may get disturbed for a while. January, 2020 may end with an emotional turmoil among lovers.

Free Moonsign Prediction for January 2020 is here..